Our little program from the last article was sufficient enough to explain the most important players like Stack, Registers, MOV & PUSH but in the end we didn’t have anything working “for real”. Computer programs should do meaningful things. It doesn’t have to be a 3D graphics or some complex math but at least some kind of result should be given back to the user. Of course, we’re dealing with Assembly here so there’s actually no shortcut to some nice ‘Hello World’ output messages like in other languages. Many tutorials & books on Assembly start with lots of information about […]
2 posts
There are many good tutorials on this topic so I’m not trying to write the next ‘best’ intro to assembly under Windows. Rather, I’ll try to explain certain concepts which I’ve found to be hard to understand. In this first installment I aim to describe the Stack and how it works in concert with important registers EBP, ESP and EIP. Of course, before we explore this territory we’d first have to explain the meaning of registers and movements inside of computer’s memory. Therefore, let’s first build up a working infrastructure for editing of assembly code. PDF Version of this article. […]