An article on Bosque Programming
Julia is what I’d like Python to be: dynamic but fast like C, supporting strong typing without being dogmatic (in both directions: static vs. dynamic), with a powerful REPL and many modules written in the same language (so I don’t have to switch to C). Julia is still a new language and I suppose not many of us use it currently in production. And yes, Julia is an ‘academic’ language, with a strong emphasis on technical/scientific computing, but honestly, would you rather like to run your business on an ‘anti-scientific’ / ‘anti-technical’ language? Yes, I know, it sounds very polemic because there […]
In the last article from the Data Science for Losers series I’ve used a few mini examples in Scala to show how Apache Spark works. Granted, I’m still not sure if this was a “good” idea at all but regarding the fact that the whole series degenerated into something really chaotic a few harmless lines in Scala wouldn’t make it worse anyway. However, the much lower retweet-rate of the last article made it clear that the jump from my bad Python code to my even worse Scala code wasn’t very well accepted. Well, I think it’s time for a crash course in Scala […]