
2 posts

Introduction to Angular 2 – Part 4

In this article we’ll learn about Angular2 Services. Our example App will contain a simple Logon-Form connected to a background Authentication-Service. This Auth-Service utilizes some of the default Angular2 mechanisms like Http, Rx/Observables etc. to provide us the needed infrastructure. Here’s a working demo for live testing. As always, the code is located on GitHub. But before we begin let’s provide a proper definition of a Service in Angular 2. What is a Service? A Service is a class annotated with @Injectable that contains some logic which can be used by different parties in the application. An Injectable doesn’t come into existence […]

Introduction to Angular 2 – Part 1

It’s been a while since I wrote anything here. But this blog isn’t dead or in ‘maintenance mode’. I’m just coming back from the trenches of web development and, as always, things are getting messier every day. So many new frameworks and ‘very-cool-best-practices one should follow’. However, with or without JavaScript fatigue let’s do something new and learn a few bits about the upcoming Angular 2. And just to make a few things clear: I’m not an experienced Angular developer and everything I show and explain here is based on my 2-day experience with the current Beta (today’s my second day). […]