
2 posts

Apache Spark

Data Science for Losers, Part 5 – Spark DataFrames

Sometimes, the hardest part in writing is completing the very first sentence. I began to write the “Loser’s articles” because I wanted to learn a few bits on Data Science, Machine Learning, Spark, Flink etc., but as the time passed by the whole degenerated into a really chaotic mess. This may be a “creative” chaos but still it’s a way too messy to make any sense to me. I’ve got a few positive comments and also a lot of nice tweets, but quality is not a question of comments or individual twitter-frequency. Do these texts properly describe “Data Science”, or at […]

Data Science for Losers, Part 3 – Scala & Apache Spark

I’ve already mentioned Apache Spark and my irrational plan to integrate it somehow with this series but unfortunately the previous articles were a complete mess so it has had to be postponed. And now, finally, this blog entry is completely dedicated to Apache Spark with examples in Scala and Python. The notebook for this article can be found here. Apache Spark Definition By its own definition Spark is a fast, general engine for large-scale data processing. Well, someone would say: but we already have Hadoop, so why should we use Spark? Such a question I’d answer with a remark that Hadoop is EJB reinvented and […]