In this article we’ll compile and configure a full Bitcoin Core Node that runs on a Raspberry Pi 3. “Raspies” are tiny computers that can run various OSes, like Linux, or Windows IoT Core. We’ll install Linux by using the NOOBS installer, which provides a Debian-based distribution called Raspbian. Here are a few photos of my Raspberry node: You can download my scripts and config files here. But before we jump into the game let’s write down all the needed hard- & software parts, and their respective links. Hardware Raspberry Pi 3 Model B SD-Card 200GB Class 10 Seagate 2TB […]
In this installment we’ll be talking about Transactions. As we already know a Bitcoin Block contains a Header and a collection of Transactions. We’ve already learned about how important Headers are and how they constitute a back-linked block-chain that helps to maintain the integrity of recorded transactions. Now the two new questions are: What does a Transaction look like? and How do we use it to transfer coins from address to address? And just like in the previous article I’ll be presenting a simplified C++ code here, while the real C++ code will be pointed to via links to Bitcoin’s […]
After a long hiatus I’ve decided to revive this blog by writing a series of blog posts related to Bitcoin and it’s architecture. For the most part the articles will discuss certain structures from Bitcoin’s GitHub repository, but I’ll try to explain them without resorting to tech-savvy terms. Some of you might already have invested in Bitcoin or related cryptos but I am pretty sure that most of you have never looked deeper into the architecture than the usual media outlets do. I suppose that you have heard something about the “blockchain” or “distributed ledger”. And of course, there’s no […]